I am wanting, I am thinking To arise and go forth singing, Sing my songs and say my sayings, Hymns ancestral harmonizing, Lore of kindred lyricking.
The beginning of the first Kalevalan poem

Kalevala CAL logo the photo above are designed by Anne Vierimaa!
Finally! After keeping the secret for a long time we are finally allowed to announce that later this year a new CAL will be published to celebrate the 100 years of Finland’s independence. The subject of the CAL is the Finnish national epic Kalevala.
CAL means Crochet-Along. In practical terms it means a joined crochet project where you get a new part of the project pattern released at intervals, e.g. once a week. Participants (often all around the world) each continue their own project as far as the pattern is released. They eagerly look forward to the next part, share photos of their work and discuss the joined project.
In this afghan project named after Kalevala everyone will crochet their own afghan that contains 24 different squares. Apart from the squares themselves you will get instructions for joining the squares, creating a border as well as some little bonuses! All patterns will be free. This will be an unprecedented great Finnish project!T
he main organisers of the project are Milla Elo and Sari Åström. They have been joined by an incredibly talented group of crochet designers. It is hard to believe what they have accomplished. We also have a large team of pattern testers and a translation team translating all the patterns into English. So this will spread all around outside out small country!
So, this CAL is something to look forward to! While waiting, read some of the Kalevala poems to get into the Kalevala mood.

We wish you the best Kalevala Day!!
Kindly, Milla and Sari

Thanks for Tuula Kyrölä for translating this post!