Today's piece of the blanket is quite poetic by its name. Now that we have already come somehow familiar to the poems of Kalevala, we would like to present a poetic challenge for you:
When you post a picture of your finished Maiden's Spindle square, you can attach or link - if you like - a poem that is particularly significant to you.

You can share pictures of Maiden's Spindle square on social media with #kalevalacal_neidonkehra. Hashtag for Kalevala CAL is #kalevalacal.
General Kalevala CAL info and all the links to other parts of the blanket project will be found on the Kalevala CAL page on the blog of Arteeni.


I live in Akaa, Southern Finland, with my husband and two children. I crochet, dye and weave and at the same time I try to increase my courage to be a handicraft entrepreneur. I have a blog where I publish writings of handicrafts as a hobby. I learned to crochet six years ago, because I wanted to make a granny square blanket for my firstborn child. I used YouTube videos to learn it. I have already designed a few crochet patterns which have been published in my blog. To crochet means peace of mind to me and also joy when I learn and succeed. Sometimes I have to try quite often before the succeeding.
When I got to the designing process of my Kalevala CAL square, I noticed that most of the familiar themes of the epos were already taken. I started to think Kalevala as a whole and somewhere from the depths of my mind it came, the pattern for my square. It took its time to figure out the name of the pattern, but then one of my test crocheters had a suggestion: Maiden's Spindle. It is actually a very good name, because in Kalevala there is a Maiden of Pohjola who sits on the rainbow and spins golden thread.
Hints to the crocheters of my square: I wish you to be patient and persistent.
Favourites of the designer:
Yarn: Natural fibres, especially cotton and merino wool
Colour: I love colours and I try to use all the colours of the rainbow. I have several favourite colours during the year.
Favourite stitch: Front-/backpost double crochet
Place to crochet: In my own armchair in the library room
Maiden's Spindle
Hints from test crocheters
* Beginner ** Easy *** Average **** DEMANDING
Rather small RIGHT SIZE Rather big
Here you can find all the colours needed in every row for different colour packs (Click to see the lists bigger). The colours for the Metsä / Forest -colour pack can be found also on the pattern itself.

Maiden's Spindle Pattern
A link to Maiden's Spindle video, which works as a support for the written pattern. Videos are done by Tuula Kyrölä.
Other info
You can find pictures of the squares made by other Kalevala CAL participants on Instagram: #kalevalacal #kalevalacal_neidonkehra
General Kalevala CAL info and all the links to other parts of the blanket project will be found on the Kalevala CAL –page on the blog of Arteeni.
