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Kalevala CAL - Part 11 - Joukahainen in the Swamp

Writer's picture: Sari ÅströmSari Åström

There is an old saying in Finnish language: ”Suo siellä, vetelä täällä”. It means that it is difficult to make choices between good (or sometimes even bad) options. And we are pretty sure that many of you have struggled with colour choices in these Kalevala blanket squares. People usually think that a swamp is a dangerous place, but for some funny reason this pink fellow in the eye of the swamp is only hilarious.

Speaks the minstrel, Wainamoinen: "Who art thou, and whence? Thou comest Driving like a stupid stripling, Wainamoinen and Youkahainen. Careless, dashing down upon me. Thou hast ruined shafts and traces; And the collar of my racer Thou hast shattered into ruin, And my golden sleigh is broken, Box and runners dashed to pieces." Kalevala, the Third Poem

You can share pictures of Joukahainen in the Swamp square on social media with #kalevalacal_joukahainensuossa. Hashtag for Kalevala CAL is #kalevalacal.

General Kalevala CAL info and all the links to other parts of the blanket project will be found on the Kalevala CAL page on the blog of Arteeni​.


My name is Taina Ilvonen. I am 57 years old, married and on disability pension. I can't remember my first experiences with crocheting, but when I was 12 years old me and my sister crocheted a bedcover together, although we never finished it. I was used to crochet only white lacy doilies with thin cotton thread and very thin hook. After making my own Facebook page "Tainan Tehdas" and after making Mandala Madness I am now familiar to crochet with bigger hooks and I have changed the yarns, too. I have also started to use brighter colours than before. I feel joy and success by crocheting and it gives me the feeling of communality with people who share the same intrest. Beforehand I had not designed any patterns but the Kalevala CAL project encouraged me to try it.

I designed Joukahainen in the Swamp square to the Kalevala CAL project. I was also one of the crocheters of sample blankets, and the blanket made of off-white yarn was donated to Mrs. Jenni Haukio, the spouse of the president of the republic, as a gift for Finland's centenary celebration. The first thing of Kalevala that came to my mind was a story about Joukahainen and how he was sang to the swamp by Väinämöinen: the young Joukahainen wanted to challenge the old Väinämöinen but he lost the battle. How to put this idea into practice, I didn't know yet.

Hint to the crocheters of my square: Enjoy and have fun when you crochet.

Favourites of the designer:

Yarn: Cotton and wool-alpaca

Colour: Blue and violet

Favourite stitch: There is no specific favourite. Earlier I hated the hdc, but now with a good quality hook it is now one of those preferable ones.

Place to crochet: In summer at the patio of our summer cottage if the weather is nice, and in winter on my own armchair.

Joukahainen in the Swamp

Hints from test crocheters

* Beginner ** EASY *** Average **** Demanding

Rather small RIGHT SIZE Rather big


Here you can find all the colours needed in every row for different colour packs (Click to see the lists bigger). The colours for the Metsä / Forest -colour pack can be found also on the pattern itself.

Joukahainen in the Swamp Pattern

A link to Joukahainen in the Swamp video, which works as a support for the written pattern. Videos are done by Iris van Meer. Note, video link is updated on 30th of September, 2017

Other info

You can find pictures of the squares made by other Kalevala CAL participants on Instagram: #kalevalacal #kalevalacal_joukahainensuossa

General Kalevala CAL info and all the links to other parts of the blanket project will be found on the Kalevala CAL –page on the blog of Arteeni.

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