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  • Writer's pictureSari Åström

Kalevala CAL - Part 19 - Tellervo

This Sunday the summertime ends and we will start the standard winter time. Clocks will be switched. And guess what: it means that we will have an extra hour to crochet that night! We bet that there are quite many of you who belong to the club of "night owls", too…

Beauteous virgin of the woodlands,

Tapio's most charming daughter,

Fair Tellervo, forest-maiden,

Softly clad in silken raiment,

Beautiful in golden ringlets,

Do thou give my herds protection,

In the Metsola dominions,

On the hills of Tapiola

(Kalevala, Poem 32)

You can share pictures of Tellervo square on social media with #kalevalacal_tellervo. Hashtag for Kalevala CAL is #kalevalacal.

General Kalevala CAL info and all the links to other parts of the blanket project will be found on the Kalevala CAL page on the blog of Arteeni​.


I am 27 years old Bachelor of designer in textiles and at the moment I work as a handicraft counselor. The first time I have held a crochet hook in my hand was as a child when my mother inspired me, although I learned to crochet properly at school on handicraft lessons. I studied pattern design within my Bachelor studies, and at that time I also sold some of my work under the label of "Say Hey!Design". Now that I have a permanent job I haven't got time for designing and making products. I wish that it could be possible later again. To crochet is an efficient way to relax for me, it is like therapy. At hard times it has been the most important thing to keep my head up.

My design in the Kalevala CAL project is the Tellervo square. Typically I start my designs so that I just begin to crochet without a plan. I noticed that the themes of forest and nature were starting to show in my square. Then I took Kalevala and searched characters who are related to forest. I found Tellervo, a graceful maiden of the forest. The center flower reminds me of femininity, fertility and all the nurture of the forest.

Hint to the crocheters of my square: Enjoy the journey! This advice is suitable to this one square as well as the whole blanket. Tellervo should not be diffcult to do, and an experienced crocheter already knows all the stitches.

Favourites of the designer:

Yarn: Thin mercerized cotton

Colour: I love pink and purple, but I like all kinds of pure and bright colours, even the most shocking ones

Favourite stitch: Double crochet and its variations, because they are easy to use to make different surfaces

Place to crochet: My own bright green couch is a perfect place to take my hook and start crocheting


Hints from test crocheters

* Beginner ** EASY *** Average **** Demanding

Rather small RIGHT SIZE Rather big


Here you can find all the colours needed in every row for different colour packs (Click to see the lists bigger). The colours for the Metsä / Forest -colour pack can be found also on the pattern itself.

Tellervo Pattern

A link to Tellervo video, which works as a support for the written pattern. Videos are done by Iris van Meer.

Other info

You can find pictures of the squares made by other Kalevala CAL participants on Instagram: #kalevalacal #kalevalacal_tellervo

General Kalevala CAL info and all the links to other parts of the blanket project will be found on the Kalevala CAL –page on the blog of Arteeni.

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