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  • Writer's pictureSari Åström

Kalevala CAL - Bonus 2 - Moose Hunt

Today we represent a bonus square called Moose Hunt.

Photo by Maija-Leena Autio

Make me quick two worthy snow-shoes,

Smooth them well and make them hardy,

That in Tapio the wild-moose,

Roaming through the Hisi-forests,

I may catch and bring to Louhi,

As a dowry for her daughter. (Kalevala source)

You can share pictures of Moose Hunt square on social media with #kalevalacal_hirvenhiihto. Hashtag for Kalevala CAL is #kalevalacal.

General Kalevala CAL info and all the links to other parts of the blanket project will be found on the Kalevala CAL page on the blog of Arteeni​.


The bonus squares are four (4) extra squares. If you like, you can use bonus square(s) to replace some of the square(s) of the blanket. You can also make a cushion cover or what ever your imagination tells you. Please note that the yarn packs and the yarn usage is based on the 24 official squares only. Therefore we cannot guarantee that there would be enough yarn by using these bonus squares. Also we haven't made colour charts for the bonus squares - instead you can be a designer yourself and make decisions on colours. There are no defined challenge levels of the bonus squares. We trust that you have already learned a lot of special stitches and that you will survive these squares by your crochet knowledge.


I am Maija-Leena Autio, a middle-aged woman and partly professional in handicrafts. When I was 5 or 6 years old, my mother taught me one of the traditional craft techniques: crochet. I have designed some crochet patterns to be used on crochet classes. Then I had a break on crochet and I did othet craft techniques. The powerful communality around crocheting lately gave me new inspiration on crochet.

I have designed Moose Hunt square to the Kalevala CAL project. I got the inspiration from my own hobby, cross-country skiing, watching the ski track going on in front of me.

Hint to the crocheters of my square: This square is at its best when made of colour that has adequate contrast to the background colour.

Favourites of the designer

Yarn: Natural fibres, mostly I like wool because it slides best on hook.

Colour: Cool colours and shades, but I like to think that every colour has its chosen place.

Favourite stitch: No specific favourite but the extra long trebles don't excite me so much.

Place to crochet: At home sitting on couch or armchair.

Moose Hunt Pattern

Moose Hunt works best with just one color.

Other info

You can find pictures of the squares made by other Kalevala CAL participants on Instagram: #kalevalacal #kalevalacal_hirvenhiihto

General Kalevala CAL info and all the links to other parts of the blanket project will be found on the Kalevala CAL –page on the blog of Arteeni.

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