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  • Writer's pictureSari Åström

Kalevala CAL - Bonus 4 - Lönnrot

As a last square we represent a bonus square called Lönnrot.

Photo by Minna Virtanen

You can share pictures of Lönnrot square on social media with #kalevalacal_lonnrot. Hashtag for Kalevala CAL is #kalevalacal.

General Kalevala CAL info and all the links to other parts of the blanket project will be found on the Kalevala CAL page on the blog of Arteeni​.


The bonus squares are four (4) extra squares. If you like, you can use bonus square(s) to replace some of the square(s) of the blanket. You can also make a cushion cover or what ever your imagination tells you. Please note that the yarn packs and the yarn usage is based on the 24 official squares only. Therefore we cannot guarantee that there would be enough yarn by using these bonus squares. Also we haven't made colour charts for the bonus squares - instead you can be a designer yourself and make decisions on colours. There are no defined challenge levels of the bonus squares. We trust that you have already learned a lot of special stitches and that you will survive these squares by your crochet knowledge.


My name is Sari Marttila, I live in Vantaa with my husband, two daughters and a cat. I am 37 years old and I work as an eLearning Designer at Jollas Institute. My mother likes very much to do crafts, and it was possibly even before school age when I learned crocheting from her. I have a blurred memory that I loved making chain ribbons.

Earlier I have designed only some small crochet projects, part of which I published in an advent calendar on my blog last year ( Maybe this year too I release a new advent calendar that contains some of my own designs.

To crochet is a way to relax for me, express myself and most of all make people happy. I love self-made presents, as the whole process of making the gift gives me so much pleasure and it makes me happy to give it to someone.

The inspiration for my Kalevala CAL square Lönnrot was a man called Elias Lönnrot. He was the author who collected all the poems to Kalevala, he was like the main architect of the opus. I felt that he deserved to be honoured for his work. There is a spiral form in the centre of the square, it is like a path that describes all the journeys of Lönnrot when he gathered the poems. This square is like a signature for the whole blanket, so that is why I wanted the L-letter of the square to remind us from Mr. Lönnrot.

Hint to the crocheters of my square: Don't worry if some stitches go wrong. In this pattern the big picture is more important than a single stitch.

Favourites of the designer

Yarn: Merino wool, wool and mercerized cotton with a tight twist.

Colour: Earthly colours depending on the situation and the purpose. I often use grey.

Favourite stitch: Basic stitches, double crochet.

Place to crochet: At home on couch is the coziest place to be. I should invest in a proper armchair where to sit in a good posture when crocheting, in our current couch my posture is quite bad.


The Lönnrot pattern is on Sari's blog:

Other info

You can find pictures of the squares made by other Kalevala CAL participants on Instagram: #kalevalacal #kalevalacal_lonnrot

General Kalevala CAL info and all the links to other parts of the blanket project will be found on the Kalevala CAL –page on the blog of Arteeni.

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