Galadriel, the charmingly beautiful elf and the royal Elf of Noldor, was the source of inspiration for me when started to design this square. The Galadriel square will be the first one in the “Elves” series — a series of my designs inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasy novels.
Yay, finally!! Galadriel pattern is now awailable in English, too!
The pattern is awailable with the yarn kit from Lentävä Lapanen - the kit includes 33 skeins of so nice and luxuryous Schachenmayr Merino Extrafine 120 and the Galadriel pattern Ravelry code, and the price is 165 €. You can also buy the pattern straight on Ravelry, the price for the pattern is 6.5 €.
The Schachenmayr merinowool is propably one of the best yarns I have crocheted so far. It is heavy enough to finish the blanket fast and it is so soft and smooth. And together with Clover Amour hook it is a real pleasure to crochet! Best partners ever!!

Galadriel -square is quite thick and heavy wich makes it to eat a lot of yarn. But it will deginitely be a soft and warm blanket! The blanket, or a throw is about 160 cm long and the widest part is about 115 cm (narrowest about 90 cm) and it weights about 1,5 kg, which means about 4000 meters of yarn and 33 skeins of Merino Extrafine 120 yarn. I had Clover Amour 3 mm and 3,5 mm hooks, but I strongly recommend you to choose the hooks to maintain the diameters to avoid getting short of yarn - there aren't that much of extra yarn.
Here you can check the general blanket and yarn info !
Schachenmayr'n Merinowool is a high quality yarn which also shows in the price (still it is very reasonable prized). Lentävä Lapanen have given a very good price for the yarn kit (normal price 6,10 €, now only 5 € per skein with the Galadriel yarn kit!). At the same time you can also buy the best Clover Amour hooks, which works perfeclty together with the yarn! And with any yarn!!
The Galadriel -pattern it self is very multi-purpose square, not even to mention the flower in the middle!! Below you can see a photo where I have attached the center flower to a knitted hat - where else you could use it !?!

Galadriel peitblanket pattern includes the photo-tutorial for the square and shorter printable instruction, half square triangles, joining and simply border with the tassels and finishing hints. The instructions are very clear and simply to follow and there are plenty of useful photos!
You might want to join also to Arteeni Facebook group. There you'll find both support and plenty of inspiration!

Happy crocheting,
In Klaukkala, Finland on 23rd of April, 2018

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